lunes, agosto 06, 2007

Back to life

Its been a week and something full of surprises.
Some of these surprises have been personal, one job related, most good, and none bad. I assume this is a good, funny and happy phase in my life. Have you ever wondered when will your good luck finish? Its like this feeling when you keep winning in a videogame... its like "Ey, somebody will kill me anytime"... Well, I hope this phase never to slow down.

If I look back one year ago, a LOT of things have changed. And all of them for good. Most of my peers and homies know one year ago my life was kind of a chaos and everything in between, with all the good and bad things involved.
Luckily for the world, and for myself the most part, things can't be better right now. New life, new begining. Thanks to everyone that are there for me, might sound cheesy but sometimes you just have to stop, look around, and thank your fam, friends and those who make everyday special.

WORLDWIDE is getting some love in Europe. Basically that means the collection will be in RUSSIA soon, with a heavy hitter in the game in those cold lands. Stay tuned. And Kazuma, one of germany's best teams, sent me this pic of some follower of the Worldwide cult in the bright show in Germany, rocking the "Worldwide love" tee. Thanks for the support.

The list of cities where the domination is taking place: Barcelona, Zaragoza, Vitoria, Boston, Philadelphia, Los Angeles and New York.

Thanks for all the support and for all the love worldwide. The conspiracy will spread slowly through Spain and Europe. Had to reprint some stuff because of the demand, and will be available for Europe in a couple weeks. Be sure to drop me an email to my EMAIL.
And about the Tokyo trip, still trying to recover, and still wondering when to visit again, this time just for fun and biz.

Some of you know this japanese brand that makes toys, lifestyle items and some accesories in between. Its called MEDICOM. I have the pleasure to know Oka from some time now, and all I can say are good words for this guy and his crew. he's the project manager in the company, basically as I consider him "the guy". On my visit to Tokyo couldnt miss to visit them again after my 1st visit in 2005.

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