Coming to a city near you soon...already bombing L.A & Barcelona.
Im flying back home soon.
I havent seen a single thing of Munich, just the tradeshow and the hotel, and 2 restaurants (Really good by the way).
So at the ISPO, Tommy HIlfiger, is stepping in the snow game, and what better way to get an helicopter inside the booth to make the collection look good? No problem, we will.
Dessert time. Chocolate cookie alike filled with hot chocolate. Crazy.
And this was in the pissing areas. You basically pissed in this sticker and could join a revolution, what best way to promote your product that when you are pissing?
Marketing "genius"... you are fired. Does somebody want people pee on their branding/identity/logo? Looks like the answer is "yes".
Chad and Yoshi, my two adopted asian sons, sent me this pic they shot in Barcelona this last B&Butter:

TOP from left to right: NASH straight outta London, Elia, Ina from Worldwide, Yoshi aka Mr44 from Foreign Family, Nico from Staple Design/Reed Space and me. LOW: Chad from The Goonies and Foreign Family.
1 comentario:
Que coño lleva Nash en en los pies? Esas zapas están pintadas o cubiertas de plutonio?
Byez to all.
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