lunes, octubre 29, 2007

My city. My friends. Our spots

Skateboarding. I dont talk a lot about it...

Back in the day jaime Thoms arrived to Barcelona and discovered the spots we used to skate for years. Transowlrd magazine did a feature on that trip and Barcelona was on the scope of everyone. That was like 10 years ago.
A lot of people has visited the city, skated the spots, and enjoyed the sun and the good weather.
A lot of people has taken photos and videos here, and a lot of tricks have been pulled at a lot of spots.
Also, a lot of magazines have featured the city, mostly with foreign people skating in local spots.
Oe of the big questions to come to the equation is...where are the locals?
For a long time Enrique Lorenzo was the only Barcelonian known around, ever since he started riding for World Industries.
From that time on, only foreigners were seen in mags and video.
And it still happens. Locals have been just forgotten to local mags and local videos...

Being part of this skateboard crew since 1990, I decided to drop a special tee dedicated to my friends, my skateboard fam.
Available only through and the pop-up online store dropping end of november, this one is one of my fave tees from Season 2 aka "SMALL LINE SEASON".

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