had lunch at my fave spot VIPS with Nima from Digital Gravel and Chad from Foreign family. What to say... these cats are down to earth and humble. Despite success stayed cool without bringing an attitude with it. Stay tuned, dropping some mad heat from WORLDWIDE and the crew soon...

After that, heading to check the good people at Miniguide. These guys are doing a small guide with places to go, restaurants, everything in english for all the foreigners coming to the city, and in the new issue someone is in the cover rocking red Supreme SB's... Familiar? Chilled with their art director, an amazing professional, and checked some of the stuff coming out in the fashion section. Will post when the issue is out but those 40k copies will make wonders to spread the word on the "project"...

From there new location. And what happens when you get the last flight (also delayed), and arrive to the north side of the country at 1 am and is cold and there are no cabs available? Just peep the view from the outside of the airport and wonder what could I do there just waiting for someone to pick me up. I was literally the last human alive on that area...

Use your celly and arrive at 2am to the hotel...
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