A good weekend that turned into a short week thanks to eastern.. The sunday begun with a visit to a mall, then off to XXX house, my friend whos in charge for all over Spain xxxxxxx company.
The makeup trafficking. Tons of stuff, all colors, every piece, every accesorie. Ah, the good side of marketing is getting xxxx stuff for what they/I call "influencers"...
Colors colors colors. ladies: Purple eye shadow. Please.
Chilled with Buba aka Muffin King. Big things coming from Buba in the upcoming months, stay tuned.
And off to SushiYa, one of my best place for Sushi and everything in between. I think this is the fastest japanese restaurant I know. 3 dishes for 7 euros. Everything fresh, and really good, but the place looks soooo bad.
And back at the office on a monday...
And back to office life, and some stuff cooking.
Sonia, one of the best in the office number 1. Humble and easy. Amazing lady.
And back to my 2 screens life!
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